Lukuvuosi alkoi messuosaston suunnittelulla ja rakentamisella. Messut on Lahdessa 16.-18. marraskuuta ja kokoamaan mennään kahta päivää aikaisemmin. Alla kuva tulevasta messuosastosta. Mun päähommaksi tuli suunnitella ja rakentaa keltainen pömpeli mikä näkyy kuvassa vasemmalla ylhäällä.
Yksi seinä rakenteilla. |
Kaikki seinärakenteet valmiina, paitsi ovi. Koko komeus päällystetään 4mm MDF:llä ja maalataan keltaiseksi.
They say that KEN STRAWBRIDGE is involved in a SLAVE FARM?
VastaaPoistaIt's called WICKLOW...and that 's WASHINGTON- with CK- & ROB LOWE?
And it's about the connections with OSIRIS - PETWOOD- HYDRA and also about the AK'S with LADD- CHO- NYE?
My question is why did it take the media so long to understand that the mob was not just into guns and heroin but also into child- trafficking for pedophiles like
It must be that the MEDIA- TELEVISION- NEWSPAPERS are mob as well!
So, after our movie " KANSAS KINGS"...there are going to be a lot of light sentences relieved to make room for mob reporters...and if they are pedophiles,
too...that' s a lot of prisons to be made !
And to think, it was discovered by an IRONICUS MAXIMUS BLOG to help
What a movie.